My constituents consistently report waits over one hour at the Pāhoa Post Office, and we need to update infrastructure to keep up with that growth.
The solution to this issue is a complex one that involves both State and Federal agencies. While the U.S. Post Office is a federal agency that falls outside of my jurisdiction as a State Representative, there are still steps my office can take to address this issue.
We are actively reaching out to the Hawaii Manager of Post Office Operations to find solutions that will help reduce wait times. While I donʻt have direct oversight over the Pāhoa Post Office, I will find a solution to collaborate between State and Federal agencies.
An internal facility constraint study was supposed to be initiated in January of 2022 and our next steps depend on the results of this study. However, despite active outreach, we have yet to receive the results of this study.
By working together across different levels of government, we can find solutions to improve service and reduce wait times for customers at the post office. Thank you for your patience as we work to address this issue.