Vice Speaker Greggor Ilagan
With a strong background in public service, Vice Speaker Greggor Ilagan has dedicated his career to serving the people of Hawai’i. His journey began with a six-year enlistment in the Air National Guard, which laid the foundation for his commitment to public service. In 2012 and 2014, the people of Hawai’i County’s 4th District elected him as their Councilmember. During his tenure, he actively chaired the Planning and Housing committees and contributed as a member of the Finance and Public Works committees.
In 2020 and again in 2022, the people of Hawai’i State House District 4 chose Vice Speaker Ilagan to represent them in the House of Representatives. His leadership roles have included serving as Vice Chair for the Committee on Transportation and as a Committee Member on Housing and Finance. Recognizing his dedication and service, he was appointed Vice Speaker of the Hawai’i State House of Representatives in 2022.
House District 4, Vice Speaker Ilagan represents, is a vibrant and diverse part of Hawai’i. It includes the communities of Hawaiian Paradise Park, Makuʻu Hawaiian Home Land, Hawaiian Beaches, and Nānāwale Estates, and extends to the historic town of Pāhoa. The District also encompasses Leilani Estates, Kapoho, ʻOpihikao, and Kalapana, areas shaped by volcanic activity. These special places embody Puna Makai, reflecting the District’s unique character and the diverse community Vice Speaker Ilagan proudly represents.

About the Office
Representative Ilagan’s office is always ready to help the people of Puna. Here’s how they can assist:
- Help you understand and deal with local, state, and national government offices.
- Help you with unemployment benefits, including special pandemic-related programs.
- Create special certificates to celebrate our community’s people, leaders, and groups.
- Hear your ideas for new laws or important issues for our community.
Remember, Representative Ilagan, is here to serve you. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Representative Greggor Ilagan is proud to work for the people of Puna, a community known for its strength and togetherness. As the person who speaks for District 4 in State government, he must ensure Puna’s voice is heard.
You can find or contact him at his office in the Hawai’i State Capitol:
415 S Beretania Street, Room 419,
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 586-6530 | Fax: (808) 586-6531